The Spark Comic Jam is an innovative online event that presents a new way for audiences to learn about and experience colaborative art-production.
Inspired by the Spark Comics series and using the influential comic-jam format, 4 artists begin drawing a panel of a new comic story and then hand it off to another artist to continue and improvise however they see fit. The result is a unique and wildly creative comic story created collaboratively by several artists. The entire process is streamed live online to the Twitch Platform. Live Audiences watch the experience as the Artists interact with the viewers and each other, allowing got unique look into various creative processes by different and diverse artists where nobody knows what will happen next.
The Spark Comic Jam was performed in 2020 and 2021 in partnership with the Toronto Comic Arts Festival. Shining Spark aims to continue the program in the future. Archives of both the streams and the resulting pages can be found online.
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